I am Tammy Dawn le Roux….

From a young age I was a feisty and feirce bundle of energy. Always loud, running everywhere, walking on my hands and doing cartwheels down the isles of the stores

My parents enrolled me in gymnastics when I was 8 and I absolutely loved it! They supported my passion for the sport 100%, and along with my sister, became my number one fans!

I was South African champion and achieved 5 times Springbok colours, representing SA at numerous international competitions like World Championships, African Games as well as Commonwealth games.

I also represented SA at the World Pole Sports Championships ranking 7th in the world.

I am a mom of three brilliant and beautiful teenagers who support me in all my dreams!

TL Fusion Gymnastics is my pride and joy, my home away from home where I can live out my dream and passion of teaching children Gymnastics!

I spend all my days in leggings. I used to wear an international brand of amazing leggings until they left South Africa. I decided to go on a mission to find a similar fit and feel, but could find nothing even remotely close to what i was used to.

So I decided to have my own made! A brand that refelcts my loud, funky, fun and exciting self! Comfortable, super stretch, soft and amazing!

I plan to expand my brand to not only have leggings, but a whole fitness wear range for kids, men and ladies!


Oh and….. my favorite color is Purple! 😁

About Us

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Uluwatu Jimbaran ST, 1919 - Bali, Indonesia

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+62 212-345-321

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